Total Control | Hypnotic Mistresses

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Princess Kate could not believe what her slave had said about her behind her back. She did not like people who could not face her and tell her any issue they had with her and since it was her slave who did it, she did the same thing by humiliating and degrading him through hypnosis. She used it to gain total control over him and when he had, she made him do all the nasty things she wanted knowing he would not know she was involved.

Mistress Harley likes to use her hot body to hypnotize guys. She likes to humiliate them for fun and financially as well but she does not like them knowing that she did what she did to them. That way, they are not guarded around her and she can do what she wants to them and get away with it. Today she was broke so she had a marathon hypnosis session with her paypigs and she managed to make some good money.

Princess Serena does not like doing things in vain. When she realized that her slave had done things the way she did not want, she had to punish him. After much thought, she hypnotized the slave and she made him do the nasty things she wanted him to do. She had him do them while hypnotized so that he would not know she made him do them. He did not know it was her but he learned his lesson.

Madame Svea wanted to get some information from this loser. She knew he had what she wanted and she knew that trying to get it out from him with the conventional methods would not work. She knew she had to make him do what she wanted and so she used hypnosis fetish to gain total control of the guy. She then got what she wanted form him and left him there to regain his consciousness.

Princess Kitty loves to hypnotize guys she wants something from. She is not like other mistresses who use force to get what they want. She prefers to make the think they are having fun when in the real sense she is gaining total control over them by brainwashing them and using her hypnosis femdom to make them do whatever she wants such as giving her their salaries as well as allowances.

Mistress Sophie wanted to go away for a few days and she needed money. She went to her slaves and hypnotized them one by one. She had a few pay slaves and she had a one on one session with them and used her hypnosis skills on them and got them to give her money without knowing it. She pretended she was having fun with them and that is what they remember.

Mistress Theodora is a sweet looking girl. Anyone who looks at her sees how sweet and sexy she is. No one can guess how manipulative she is or she can get. And no one can tell that she is a hypnotist. She loves it when guys are not able to read her properly because it makes her hypnotic work easier and faster since they cannot tell where she is going with anything.

Mistress Harley has a sexy body and she loves to use it to have all kinds of fun. But today she wanted to use it to get some information from this guy. She is a hypnotist and she is gifted in mining for information. She does not do it like other mistresses. Hers is slow and fun and combines her big tits and her sexy ass with the other skills.

This mistress is into hypnosis but hers is a different type of hypnosis. She loves to tease and have naughty fun with the guys she wants to tease. The direction the whole thing takes for her is very different. It all depends on the guy. She does not like to have predetermined positions on anything. She prefers to let things follow their natural way and she finds it to be more fun that way.

This mistress loves the fact that she can hypnotize slaves and losers and make them do whatever she wants. She can also make money from them and that is why she does not do anything else for money. She left her desk job for hypnosis and she has never looked back. She does not regret it and actually wonders why she had not done it earlier than she had done.

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