Hypnotic Mistresses - Mistresses hypnotizing you into submission - Page 15

Princess Kitty loves to use her sneakers to trample and humiliate. But that is not what she did today. She wore them as sexy accessories to make her look great. She wanted to look great for this guy because she wanted to hypnotize him. She had learned the art of hypnosis and she used it on this guy. She then went ahead to financially dominate him after she had controlled his mind.

This mistress was broke but she knew this loser was loaded. She wanted some of that money for herself so she teased him and flirted with him. He thought she wanted him to bang her but she was in the process of hypnotizing him. She did it beautifully and he did not see it coming. He was so engrossed in everything she was doing that she achieved her aims easily.

Mistress Harley is loves hypnosis. She likes to try new ways of hypnotizing losers and turning them into her human credit cards. Today she used her tits. She has one of the best boobs you will ever see. They are big, round and firm. They are not droopy at all and she has tattooed them as well. It did not take her long to have the loser where she wanted him.

Mistress Emily Jones likes to have extreme kind of fun. She had always wanted to have fun by having total control of slaves so she went and learned the art of hypnosis. She tried it today on her own and she loved how effective it was. She used her sexiness to make this loser do what she wanted and within a few minutes, he was doing everything she wanted. She loved it and dominated him financially.

These mistresses are some of the best hypnotists out there. As they talked about their fetish and love for hypnosis, they discovered that they had never hypnotized a slave with anyone else other than doing it themselves. They decided to join forces and try it. It was so great as they used their sexy bodes and big tits to do it. It was quicker and more effective to hypnotize and they agreed to do it more often.

Princess Kitty is a hot mistress and she likes to take advantage of her good looks to humiliate. She loves to use hypnosis femdom because it gives her total control over her subjects. She gets to dominate them and brainwash them after which she can get them to do anything that she wants including financially humiliating them. She also loves how they can never remember anything when she is done with them.

Hypnotizing slaves is what this mistress likes to do in her spare time. She loves how much power it gives her over her slaves and anyone else she is humiliating. She loves to tease as her primary way of humiliating them. She loves to make them enjoy her teasing and then she brainwashes them and gets them to do what she wants. It is always fun as she gets to have fun and to sometimes financially humiliate them.

Princess Kate could not believe what her slave had said about her behind her back. She did not like people who could not face her and tell her any issue they had with her and since it was her slave who did it, she did the same thing by humiliating and degrading him through hypnosis. She used it to gain total control over him and when he had, she made him do all the nasty things she wanted knowing he would not know she was involved.

Mistress Harley likes to use her hot body to hypnotize guys. She likes to humiliate them for fun and financially as well but she does not like them knowing that she did what she did to them. That way, they are not guarded around her and she can do what she wants to them and get away with it. Today she was broke so she had a marathon hypnosis session with her paypigs and she managed to make some good money.

Princess Serena does not like doing things in vain. When she realized that her slave had done things the way she did not want, she had to punish him. After much thought, she hypnotized the slave and she made him do the nasty things she wanted him to do. She had him do them while hypnotized so that he would not know she made him do them. He did not know it was her but he learned his lesson.

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