Hypnotic Mistresses - Mistresses hypnotizing you into submission - Page 9

Mistress Celine wanted to learn about hypnosis so she immersed herself in hypnosis and she learned a few things. But after some time, she wanted to test her skills on someone and she felt her slave was the best to do it to. The mistress chose to tease him and hypnotize him which she did as sexy as she could make it. He was under her total control in a matter of minutes.

Goddess Yasemin tried everything in her power to move on from the hurt and the scars she carried from her previous relationship. It was such a hard thing to do but after a few years, she was able to be whole again. But she wanted him to feel the same way so she used hypnosis on him and she put him in mental bondage and let him suffer for a few months before she let him go.

Lady Zoey knew she had hypnotic powers and she used them for her own fun. There was nothing she wanted from this guy. So she hypnotized him for the sake of it. The mistress had a great time doing her thing and she got the guy under her spell and ordered him around for her own amusement and he was like a robot and he carried out all her commands.

Mistress Dana wanted to have the sort of fun she had never had before. And that is why she chose to try hypnosis. The mistress used her hot body, her tattoos, her big tits, and her seductive tongue to not only have fun at the expense of this guy but also to hypnotize him and financially dominate him. He did not stand a chance against her and it was all done her way.

Goddess Nika has a nice ass and she made it the central focus of her hypnosis. The mistress used it to flirt with this guy and make him feel that she was into him when all she was doing was to make him feel relaxed and to have fun while she slowly hypnotized him and to get complete control over him. She slowly managed to do that after he relaxed.

When you have massive tits like the one's mistress Ava has, there are certain things you can easily find shortcuts to things. And she found them to be a shortcut to her hypnotizing guys. That is because they were glued to her tits and she used her soft voice and her sexy lips to get them hypnotized the way she wanted. Hypnotizing losers as punishment, for information or for fun has never been easier for her.

Mistress Kat is as adventurous as it gets. She has an open mind and she can try anything once and do it again if it is fun. And that is how she got herself trying slow-motion hypnosis. She had never tried it before and she found it harder than she had anticipated it to be. But slowly, she was able to get this guy hypnotized and she savored it more than she had any of the others in the past.

Mistress Palina is good at hypnotizing and she wanted to try something she had never done in her life which was to try and hypnotize a guy using a dildo. She tried it but it was not as easy as she expected it to be. She had to use her ass to get the desired effects. But she appreciated it more than ever because of how tough it had been to pull off. And she had the guy play with the dildo despite him being straight.

Mistress Xenia knew that her man kept secrets and she did not want to nag him to tell her the secrets. So she went ahead and she hypnotized him without him knowing. He thought they were having their usual fun but in no time, he was under her complete control and she spent time getting the secrets out of him. And when he came to, he had no idea she knew all his secrets.

Madame Svea wanted to get the truth out of this guy who was a witness for an incident that happened at her house. She had a great time teasing him but she was firmly focused on her mission which was to get info out of him. He fell for her trick which was to use her hot body and naughtiness to hypnotize him. Within no time, he was under her total control and telling her all he knew.

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