Hypnotic Mistresses - Mistresses hypnotizing you into submission - Page 19

Mistress Roxy is not your average mistress. She likes to have her cake and to eat it. That is why she enjoys using her paypigs to make money. She likes to flirt with them and show them her stuff and in exchange, these losers have to pay her for her time. Her time is valuable and they pay for it. But they also get something in return as she is insanely sexy.

Lady Taina wanted to buy something expensive but she did not want to use her own money. She had losers and paypigs just for that purpose and now it was time to use her charm offensive on them. She used her hypnotic powers to brainwash them and then financially dominate them, She teased them and got them in the state she wanted before she had then pay her to spend time with them.

When you are as pretty as princess Kitty is, you do not have to worry about how to finance your expensive life. In her case, she is a hypnotic mistress. She likes to brainwash losers and slaves and then use her hypnotic powers to humiliate and control them. She makes them think she is doing them a favor and then they pay her handsomely and she then spends it however she wants.

Mistress BlackDiamoond is as hot as they come. But she is also a mistress who likes to take shortcuts especially where money is involved. She does not believe in working 9-5 so she got a shortcut which involves her teasing and denying guys and brainwashing them so that she can dominate them financially. She is hot, seductive and persuasive and the paypigs do not stand the slightest chance against her.

This mistress does not like to hustle a lot for cash. She came up with a way to make money that allows her the time to spend it. She decided to be a hypnotic mistress. She enjoys making slaves and losers do what she wants as well as give her money. She does this by messing with their heads and brainwashing them. She likes to have total control of their minds and then make them do as she says.

This mistress uses her red lips and her pretty face to brain fuck her slaves. She knows how they have a thing for her and she makes sure that she gives them the eye candy they want. They think she cares for them but in actual sense, she has brainwashed them into believing that. When she is done, she likes to dominate them financially and get them to fund her lifestyle.

Princess Jenny is as hot as hell. She also has that adventurous and bad girl demeanor about her that makes her even hotter. She knows how to use this to her advantage and she makes lots of money from it. She likes to humiliate her slaves financially by totally controlling their minds and making them her bitches. She likes to tease and flirt with them in order to get their money.

While other mistresses bend over backwards to make money, this mistress has fun making it. She does not need to sweat to get what she wants. She has paypigs who would do anything for her. She has hypnotized them and makes sure that they always think that she is the best thing to ever happen to their lives. She looks sexy for them, flirts with them and flirts with them and gets their money.

Herrin Amy is as sexy as they come. But she has a gift that makes sure that she always has enough money to always look sexy by buying the best outfits including lingerie as well as treating herself well and having the best things in life. She has hypnotic powers and likes to use them to control the minds of her paypigs and after she has, she dominates them financially.

For mistress Gina Blue, hypnosis is what she does best. And there are various reasons for this. She loves to control people and loves the power that it gives her. But she also loves it because it gives her financial power over slaves and losers. She likes to brainwash them and when she is done, she humiliates them financially. It is always easy money for her and is why she loves it.

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